Hey you. Fancy a FREE printable? Of course you do! You can locate this download at the bottom of this post. Enjoy...

Decluttering has a host of benefits. It not only improve mental clarity, but also mental health.
It doesn’t just make your space more neat, but it also leaves it more clean.
It has been scientifically proven to lower stress, alleviate tension, depression, anxiety & even help you get a better nights sleep!
For more information on The Benefits of Decluttering, check out my Blog post here
& while you’re there, be sure to subscribe to make sure you never miss a post!
This free guide can be downloaded & used digitally, or printed. I hope that it helps get you started on your decluttering journey & I would love to hear your comments & feedback.
Right, without further a-do, let’s get this party started…
On your marks…
Get your 4 piles ready…
Keep | Donate | Recycle/Throw | Put Away
A N D G O ! ! !
1. Dysfunctional Tupperware
You know, the one with the lid missing etc… Get rid!
2. Out of Date Herbs
Bc life is just too busy to keep on top of this stuff everyday… take the time now to read the dates & get rid!
3. Out of Date Spices
See number 2!
4. Tableware
I know it’s hard, but if you’ve got some beautiful serve ware that you haven’t used in a couple of years, it’s time to donate them to someone who won’t leave those babies in the corner.
5. Holey Socks
Bc there ain’t nothing holy about cold feet now, is there?!
6. Bags
If you haven’t used it in over a year, it’s time to donate it to somebody who will love & use it once again.
7. Mugs
Chances are, you don’t use all of the mugs in your cupboard & you’ve probably got wayyyy more than you actually need. Keep your favourite/s that you use all the time & a couple extra for guests – donate the rest.
8. Water Bottles
Aaand chances are you’ve probably got more of these than you need knocking about in your cupboards too. Keep two per person – one to wash while the other one’s in use & recycle the rest.
9. Kitchen Appliances
Not gonna lie, this can be pretty tough if you’re a fan of kitchen appliances like I am. But if you don’t use it… please – donate it. Somebody out there wants it & can’t afford it at a brand new cost. You’re doing a good deed!
10. Jewellery
Unless it has sentimental value & you don’t wish to part with it, donate it - what you no longer wear will be someone else’s treasured item.
11. Coats
See 10
12. Jackets
See 10
13. Cardigans
See 10
14. Toys
If you’re child is of an age where they have the capacity to make decisions on decluttering items themselves, then please encourage them to do this. As a PO who works with Hoarding Tendencies, I cannot stress the importance of respecting your child to make their own decisions. As parents, it is our job to teach our children how to have a healthy relationship with their belongings. Subscribe to my blog for further information & advice on How to Declutter with kids,
15. Nail Varnish
Any colours you don’t use, any that have gone blobby & unusable… it’s time to give them the heave-ho. Somebody you know may enjoy them!
16. Pyjamas
If you’re anything like me (I wear clothes until they literally fall apart) then chances are you’ve got some bobbly pj’s that are wayyy past their sell-by-date. Recycle whatever is no longer usable & donate the ones with life left in that you just don’t ever wear.
17. Make-up
Ideally, we should be decluttering make-up about once every 6 months.
18. Out of Date Medications
Please ensure you are disposing of these items correctly – bag them up and take them to your local pharmacy.
19. Skin Care
Try offering any broken sealed products to friends, or family. Anything still with the seal on would be perfect as a charitable donation.
20. Stationary
If it’s just sitting in the office, playroom or any other space within your home & gathering dust, it’s time to pack it up & give it away.
21. Luggage
We only need one large suitcase, one small & a carry on/overnight bag per person. Anymore would make wonderful donations.
22. Candles
Donate any unused candles to charity, or re-gift them to a friend. Who needs to wait until their birthday? Why not just give them a gift just because!
23. Cards
Declutter any cards in your purse or wallet that you no longer use.
24. Receipts
Recycle any receipts that you no longer need.
25. Paperwork
Go through your paperwork & declutter/recycle any that you no longer need. If this is a momentous task for you & you need some help, then give us a shout. We offer free consultations & would be happy to help you!
26. Menus
Got takeaway menus clogging up the junk drawer? Time to get with the times & move to paperless. Most menus can be found online now, so unless a particular one isn’t available online, it’s time to clear out your paper copies & go digital.
27. Magazines
Any magazines that you’ve read already taking up space within the home ideally need to go. PRO TIP: If you happen to be hanging onto some for the recipes inside, then get a ring binder folder, pull out the pages & use plastic wallets to keep them inside your folder. This will keep it all neat, compact & in one place.
28. Newspapers
If you’ve already read it, or it’s way past it’s sell-by-date with no sentimental value, then it’s time to put it in the recycling.
29. Wires
Get sorting through your wires & take the time to figure out what wire goes with what item. If there are any wires that have no purpose, or function, add them to your recycling.
Pro Tip: Label each wire with its purpose to avoid anymore future confusion #yourewelcome
30. Notebooks
Old notebooks that are no longer relevant can be recycled & unused ones that have been sitting there for well over a year can either be regifted to somebody as a radical act of kindness (where you give a gift for no reason whatsoever) or donate it to local charity.
And that’s it for now… I hope this printable gives you the motivation you need to kick- start your Declutter journey. I’m so excited that you’re on this path & I would love to hear all about it!
For more tips, motivation, realness & support, don’t forget to subscribe:
Before you go, I just want you to know…
.. I want you to know the freedom that a Decluttered & Organised home can bring...
..I want for you to experience this freedom so that you can become better. And live better. And be healthier. And lighter. And happier...
.. Because Y O U deserve it. Your really, really do!
Sending you so much L O V E !

I'm so pleased to be able to help... and I'm SO exited for your decluttering JOURNEY! Welcome :)
Saved this so that I can use this list to declutter.